Robotic “Third thumb” can alter the representation of hand in brain!

Sreemeenakshi V
6 min readMay 27, 2021


-Sreemenakshi V

A robotic third thumb can impact the brain’s representation of hand, said the study led by University College London researchers.

The Third Thumb is 3D-printed and is worn opposite to the person’s actual thumb, on the sides of the hand near the little finger. The pressure sensors are attached to their feet, on the underside of the toes for control. The sensors responds to every change of pressure given by the user on both toes, controlling the movement of the Thumb.

The team that worked on this project trained the people to use a robotic extra thumb. They found that they could effectively carry out tasks with two thumbs. The participants who were trained to use the thumb felt as if it was a part of their body.

For real time study, the participants were trained to use the thumb for about five days also after the training process they were allowed to take home the Thumb to use it in their daily life. The wear time was about two to six hours per day. This was compared with another set of participants who wore a static version of the thumb completing the same training.

To help increase the cooperation between their hand and the thumb, the participants were trained to use the Thumb to focus on tasks like picking up things with one hand. The training enabled them in improving their hand-thumb coordination and motor control. They learned the basics very quickly that, even when distracted, they were able to use the Thumb.

The researchers scanned the participant’s brains using fMRI, before and after the training, while the participants moved their fingers individually. There were subtle but significant changes found on how the hand had been augmented with the Third Thumb in the brain’s sensorimotor cortex.

In general, the representation of each of our fingers are distinct in our brains while the study showed that the brain activity pattern with each fingers became less distinct.

The participants were scanned again a week later and found that the changes in brain’s hand area had subsided. So this suggested that the changes in the brain-hand area might not be long term, but this topic is still under research.

Let us now understand the basics about Robots and Robotics!

What is a Robot?

Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

A robot is a machine that is programmable by computer and carry out complex tasks automatically. They can either be controlled manually using a controller or the control can be embedded within.

They need electrical components that can control and power the machinery. One essential part is to have an electric current or a battery to power majority of robots. The coded programs gives it the ability to know when, where and how to carryout a particular task. Without a code it is just another simple machinery.

Generally, there are 5 types of robots:

  • Pre-programmed Robots

These are operated in a controlled environment where they carryout simple monotonous tasks. A mechanical arm on an automotive assembly line is a good example. The arm here functions to weld a door on, to insert a certain part into the engine, etc. The main job is to perform the task faster and more efficiently than a human.

  • Humanoid Robots

These are Robots that look alike or mimic human behavior. They can perform activities like jumping, running, etc. They can even have human face and expressions.

  • Autonomous Robots

These can operate independent of human operators and are generally assigned tasks in the outside environment without human supervision. They are employed with decision making structures to carryout their assigned task. Roomba vacuum cleaner is an example which roam around the house freely using sensors

  • Augmenting Robots

They either enhance the current human capabilities or replace the capabilities a human may have lost. It is a field where science fiction could become reality very soon, with bots that have the ability to redefine the definition of humanity by making humans faster and stronger. Robotic prosthetic limbs or exoskeletons are examples which are used to lift hefty weights.

  • Teleoperated Robots

These are semi-autonomous bots that use a wireless network to enable human control from a safe distance. These robots can usually work under extreme geographical conditions, and any type of weather. Drones used to detect landmines is an example which is used on a battlefield.

Applications of Robots

Though there are a lot that a Robot can perform, here are few of the common applications:

  • Landmine detectors in war zones
  • Surgical assistants
  • Fight forest fires
  • Offers companionship to elderly individuals
  • food order delivery
  • Search-and-rescue missions after natural disasters
  • Household tasks like- vacuuming and mowing the grass
  • Carry around loads in warehouses
  • In manufacturing plants- known as co-bots
  • Autonomous drones


Robotics is simply the intersection of science, engineering, and technology which produces a machine called a Robot to substitute human actions.

There are five major fields of robotics:

  • Human-Robot interface
  • mobility
  • manipulation
  • programming
  • sensor

People tend to confuse Robotics engineering with Artificial Intelligence. These two actually serve different purposes, But there is the Artificially intelligent Robots which actually make people think that both are overlapping concepts.

Artificially intelligent robots serves as the bridge between robotics and Artificial Intelligence. These Robots are controlled by the AI programs.

AI algorithms are applied when you want a Robot to perform complex tasks. Actually, Robotics involves building robots physically whereas AI involves programming intelligence.

Uses of Robots in NASA

NASA uses the Robotic arms on spacecrafts to move large objects in space. Robotic spacecraft can visit other worlds and Robotic airplanes can even fly without a pilot aboard. The “Canadarm” robotic arm is on the space shuttle where the International Space Station has the larger Canadarm2. The Canadarm can release or recover satellites. The arms can even move astronauts around on spacewalks.

Robotics Engineering as a career

It is a field of engineering that deals with the design, building structure, and the applications of robots, their manipulation and processing. Robotic science has a tremendous scope as a career option as robots play an important role in the industrial sector. They can help to speed up the process of manufacturing and finds tremendous application in the fields of nuclear science, exploration of the sea, designing of bio-medical equipment, etc. A robotics engineer is responsible in taking care of all the aspects of creating a robot such as robot designing, maintenance, testing, and proper functioning, etc.

Nowadays Robotics Engineering is considered as a high end career in India. The scope of Robotics Engineering has been increasing in the modern world. It has great demands in the field of Gaming industry and Manufacturing units also.

It can be difficult, but with passion and the desire to master the unknown, it can get easy after a while. You may wonder why we Robotics is needed? It is because it has the potential to transform our lives and provide enhanced level of services, even the ones that cannot by done by humans.

After completing your graduation, you can get placed as robotics test engineers, analysts, robot design engineers, Robotics system engineer, senior robotics specialist, robotics technicians, Robotics programmer, Aerospace robotics engineer, quality assurance technician, etc.

To learn more and enhance your knowledge in the field of Robotics, Refer:



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